An overview about Table of Content page.
Table of Content creates as a separate file. It includes links to chapters and sections. The ToC depth oflevels and hierarchy of chapters and sections. Following variables in mobile/xsl/mobile.xsl
can use to controll the ToC structure.
<xsl:param name="chunk.first.sections" select="1"/>
If non-zero, a chunk will be created for the first top-level sect1 or section elements in each component. Otherwise, that section will be part of the chunk for its parent.
<xsl:param name="chunk.section.depth" select="5"/>
This parameter sets the depth of section chunking.
<xsl:param name="toc.max.depth"> 5</xsl:param >
Specifies the maximal depth of TOC on all levels.
<xsl:param name="toc.section.depth"> 4</xsl:param >
Specifies the depth to which recursive sections should appear in the TOC.
<xsl:param name="generate.section.toc.level" select="3"></xsl:param>
If, for example, generate.section.toc.level is 3, TOCs will be generated in first, second, and third level sections, but not in fourth level sections.